Thursday, December 18, 2014

we're running out of time

Hey guys!
Sorry for the hella long hiatus! None of my recent outfit pictures have turned out the way I wanted them to so here are some from February (??) when I was still in sunny California and not freezing cold Canada. *dramatic sigh*

shirt: somewhere in new york (gift)//shorts: american apparel//shoes: vans//rings: homemade//bracelets: homemade + gifts

Anyway though, the past four months have flown by so. quickly. Eleventh grade has been so great so hectic so far.
I've been reading so much since September, we're reading a total of 24 for school this year... Yes. t w e n t y  f o u r  b o o k s !

I'm also specializing in cinema and visual arts at school which is a super interesting and hands-on class! We write, film, edit, act, analyze movies, learn about the history and technical side of film-making. I really really love it. 
We recently watched The Birds (directed by Hitchcock) and sdglf just thinking about it makes my skin crawl... It was a terrific movie, don't get me wrong but I don't think any of us are ready to see birds yet. *hides under blanket in fear* I know it sounds kinda silly to be scared of birds but holy crap man watch it and tell me you don't get the heebie-jeebies!

the special effects are pretty high-tech am I right 

I also completed and traded my first zine at a zine off which was slightly amazing and slightly terrifying at the same time??? It felt so great to be in a room full of people interested in zines who wanted support and wanted to support people. Plus it was lovely to just have a free exchange without judgement. It really felt like a community and man that felt freaking amazing. 

I've also been going to local concerts and zine readings and discovering things I didn't know about my town. It makes me kind of sad though that it took moving away and moving back to be open enough to look for and to find wonderful things here, but I guess that's what growing up is all about. 
~life lessons from céline~

I've been casually re-watching Gilmore Girls (I also got my friend addicted oops) and I didn't think it was possible but I actually love it even more than i did when I first watched it as a kid. And that is because I actually understand the literary, film and cultural references now and my family and I have a similar fast-paced humour/dialogue thing that we didn't when I was seven. 

Title is a lyric from Twenty-nine by Christmas Island
P.S. it's almost my blog's first birthday which is slightly scary/blowing my mind
Are you excited for Christmas or does it still feel like November for you too? Have you seen any good/terrifying movies lately? Do you make zines/love Gilmore Girls? 
P.P.P.S If you've gotten this far high five man you're the cooliest so have some imaginary brownies and presents! (thank you!)


  1. I love the outfit! I really want a pair of AA shorts, they look so good!

    1. thank you! you should definitely get some, they're comfortable and really great quality!

  2. This outfit is so nice! It's so cool that you have like zine readings and mini concerts where you live. As far as I know my town is pretty bleak and boring, but I might actually look into these things and see if there is anything like this in my town, I honestly may just be surprised *crosses fingers*.

    Ah Gilmore Girls, brings me back to my childhood. I may rewatch also seeing that I'm older and will understand it a lot more! I hope you had a fabulous Christmas time celine!

    1. victory! thank you! yeah, i was really surprised as my city is rather small and has always seemed dull but i did some digging and actually managed to find a really cool local music and arts scene. your town probably has some too, don't worry :)
      all hail Gilmore Girls! it has seriously become my life, i'm halfway through season 3 of 7 lel (21 episodes per season) *crying of joy/sadness* (you should totally rewatch it though)
      thank you :3 i hope you had a lovely christmas too!
