Wednesday, September 24, 2014

i breathe for you

2B pencil on paper
Hey guys :)
I dunno about you guys, but summer feels like a lifetime ago *sigh*
Junior year isn't exactly what I expected it to be but in a good way. I get to take cinema & visual arts as a class which I'm suuuuuper happy about!
Anyway,  I spent my weekend listening to Half Moon Run's album, Dark Eyes and drawing/painting.
~So here are some more drawings/paintings from 2014~

pencil on paper
acrylic paint on  paper

The top drawing is from august and i spent a long time on it and I'm actually really happy about how it turned out so it's definitely the one I'm proudest of. 

The second one is actually a really small drawing that was for a bigger piece with four other different facial features. I think it's one of the most realistic eyes I've ever drawn.

For the last one, it was originally a light pencil drawing because I was planning on painting it so I didn't shade too much in pencil. I have absolutely no idea why I wanted to paint it because I'm not really good at it so I basically wrote it off forever ago. While I was painting this though I started to actually understand how to shade with paint a bit more so I guess it was to learn technique/practice. So while I'm not 100% happy with it, I'm still pretty proud because it's definitely a step up.

Also, I recently found out about Half Moon Run and I absolutely love them!
Their music sounds so laid back at first but there's actually so much more to it. Lyrically and instrumentally, the songs are so beautiful and interesting.
Plus I like the kind of dark undertone they give off, like a vibe that something's off.
The title is a lyric from Fire Escape which i think might be my favourite right now but to be honest I really can't decide haha
Bonus: their music videos are so trippy/cool/esthetically appealing/kinda creepy & they're Canadian eff yeah

How's school going for you? What have you guys been up to? Also, any art/painting advice (of any kind, especially watercolour, acrylic & gouache)?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

purple eyes to match my purple hair*

About a week ago, I received my first sample ever and I had to refrain hugging random people out of joy.
I got the Soft Natural Violet Contact Lenses from Spooky Eyes' Dream Eyes collection.
Before trying them I had to pick up a case for them and some multi-purpose solution to clean them.
When I tried one of them on for the first time, I didn't put them in properly so it hurt a lot so I called for my mom as I started crying and freaking out because "I can't get it out it hurts what if I never get it out what if we have to go see a doctor to get it out and the drive is long and ohmygod it hurts mom heeeeeelp"
Mom: "i don't know how to get it out"
I got it out though but didn't try the contacts on again for a few days because I was a little traumatized...

Finally, I reread the instructions a zillion times and got up the courage to put them in again. They felt a little strange at first because I've never worn contacts in my entire life and when I put the second one in I messed up a little so I started tearing up which made it a little hard to see until my eyes adjusted to the contacts. 
They're not super duper realistic, especially with only one in, but then again considering they're violet that's normal. Plus, my dad didn't even notice them until my mom said "oh wow ok"
I really like them though and i like that they can make me look like a) i just have violet eyes or b) a demon nbd
I can't wait for Halloweeeeen!

Spooky Eyes - Soft Natural Violet Contacts