Thursday, April 30, 2015

elle est partie comme l'été

Hey guys, sorry for the long & unintentional hiatus but *insert excuses here* 
Anyway, I've been slowly catching up on reading all of your blogs since you guys are more productive than I am.
I also turned 17 and got more clothes and jewelry because come on, I have a never ending collection to fill am I right?!? 
Plus, I visited Mexico City (!!!) which was ah-may-zing & I'll post pictures of this majestic place as soon as those babies are developed.
Also, exams are coming up so pleeeease which me luck! And for those of you who are in the same boat, best of luck!!!

And here are a few photos from Christmas break that I never got around to posting:

\\ tank top: hand-me-down // skirt: thrifted // cardigan: hand-me-down // hat: h&m // heels: payless shoe source //

P.S. I sang/shook rice (yes, you have a pro rice shaker in your midst) to Hotel California with mah gurlz for our school's talent show:
M, S, me & my rice
Last but not least, I will probably continue to post just as sporadically so my apologies in advance.
Title is a lyric from La fièvre des fleurs by Klô Pelgag.
Das it, das all
Peace out yo


  1. I love the outfit! The skirt is awesome x

  2. Céline!!!!!! I've missed your posts/you, man!! That skirt is the prettiest! Also happy super belated 17th birthday! I can't wait to see your pictures from your trip!! <3 x

    1. (also good luck with your exams!!!) <3

    2. aw i've missed you and yours too, victory! thank you!! i'll post them soon, i swear! and thank you, i did relatively well! :) <3
